Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sephora VIB Dollars

I think the Sephora gods must be pleased with me...or they are expecting a sacrifice sometime in the near future.

I received a coupon with $15 VIB Dollars to spend and a couple days later I received 2nd coupon with $20 VIB Dollars to spend as well.

The $15 VIB Dollars went to a gift for a family member.

The $20 VIB Dollars weren't so lucky - I traded them in for the YSL 2009 Holiday Collection.

I was looking to take advantage of the YSL F&F 20% off online discount but I realized everything I wanted was available at Sephora and with the VIB $20 my discount at Sephora could be anywhere from 30-50% off. See? Mama was right - math is important!